Monday, August 2, 2010

3 is my limit....I think

I had to go down to MD Anderson today for a mammogram on their machine, and an Ultrasound on the breast. Fun stuff, I tell ya!!! I've never felt like such a celebrity before. Let me tell you.....they must really like my boobies there because they took like 5 million pictures of them, and then 4 different ultrasound techs came in to scan my lymph nodes and breast. I felt pretty secure in myself knowing that all those people wanted to see my boobs. :-)

Seriously though....they found another lump. Same boob, but right by my nipple. They think it's fibrous tissue, but wanted to err on the side of safety, so they did ANOTHER biopsy. So, that makes 3 biopsies in 1 month! They came back 10 minutes or so later and said it looked like it was going to be benign, (non cancerous) but I'll get the results at my follow up appt on Aug 23.

When Chris heard the news (because my awesome friend went with me instead of him since he had so much work to do) he said " what does that mean?" I chuckled to myself as this is all via text and sent back a reply of "not that it matters, honey.....cancer, sarcoid...seriously, babe...this is nothing...even if it is cancerous, it wouldn't matter...."

So, we went by the wig shop, went for lunch, and came home....

I'm exhausted and of course.....THIS is the day the kids are all whining! Ugh..

Is it bedtime yet???? No, I mean for me......hahahaha

I think so! Ta-Ta

1 comment:

  1. Ya, I think 3 should be your limit, too! Goodness gracious! You are still in our prayers!
