Saturday, January 15, 2011

Surgery is right around the corner....

I'm starting to get a little nervous. My surgery date is February 1. I'm about 2 and a half weeks away from being boob-less. But, I'm not so nervous about the actual surgery. I'm nervous about my kids being dispersed to various places. Since it falls on a weekday, they are staying with friends from school so their schedule will not be interrupted. I think they are excited about it, but I'm a nervous Nelly. Kaylee is already planning what she is going to wear, what she is going to take, and things she is going to do. (She is an eensy-weensy tad bit like me....) Brayden could care less as long as he has his cow and blanket with him. Grayson has no idea that he will be staying somewhere else, but he does know Mommy's boob is getting cut off. Every time I get out of the shower (since I haven't showered in private in almost 8 years) he says "mommy, you still have boob?"  What can I say....he is a boob man. He makes his Daddy proud.

So, I'm also trying to figure out what I am going to pack. I'm only going to be there over night, and will be coming home the next day, so I don't have to pack a lot, but the only time I've ever had to pack a "hospital bag" was when I had my babies. This is COMPLETELY different. On my list so far is some button down (easy to dress) pajamas, panties, iPad, phone chargers, and toiletries. I know I'm forgetting some things, but I can't figure out what. Isn't it obvious what is important to me? My phone and iPad....go figure. So, if you think of anything else I might need, feel free to leave me a comment.

The other thing on my mind a lot is why it's called a Mastectomy. That is WAY too close to Vasectomy. So, I looked it up and "ectomy" means the surgical process of something being removed. So, if mastectomy means the removal of the breast, and oophorectomy means removal of the ovaries, and hysterectomy means removal of the womb.....why doesn't vasectomy mean they remove the penis? Men have it WAY too easy.

That's all I got for today.......


  1. Oh Tiffany, you're too funny! They couldn't remove the penis because if they did, how would us wifeys have fun?! Just because you asked, the vas part of vasectomy is because the vas deferens is ectomy-ed... or cut. LOL I would NOT let Craig get the Big V if it meant his parts were comin' off. We'd have a gaggle of children though!!

  2. Ha ha! You make me laugh! The surgery Chris has a year ago was called a virectomy, which obviously is pretty close to vasectomy! When I refer to it, I always think somebody will overhear & think I'm talking about something else! ;)

  3. Take chapstick, and you can take your own pillow, blanket to feel more homey and less hospital. Know your kids will be loved and well taken care of, maybe even have fun while you're gone. Focus on yourself now for just a little bit anyway!
